From the mind of a child, Well, my Sunday School teacher told me that Jesus was living in my heart, so I wanted Him to have somewhere to sit, and something to play with, and... I can’t wait to go to heaven. Why’s that? I’m looking forward to meeting Jesus and Bob. Bob who? Bob Heavens, ...I think we eat out too much, Bob Evans, kids, car, family, Solomon’s special wagon for outings, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, porcupines, They’re playful this morning, the angels told lot and his family to flee from the distraction that was coming upon Sodom and Gomorrah, yes, I remember that. His wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. What happened to the flea? What’s brown and furry and has a bushy tail? I think it’s a squirrel, but I’m going to say Jesus. Sixth grade Sunday school class, no, no, 300 combines